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Setup Audiences

This page provides instructions for setting up a dynamic audience.

Dynamic audiences are built once, and employees are automatically added/removed based on rules used in them. A campaign is sent to users in the audience at the time of its run. Identify complex audiences quickly and easily with AdaptiveMail’s visualized, automated audience builder. Build smart, dynamic audiences mapped to unlimited organizational criteria. Precisely segment multi-level audiences so your messages reach the right people each time, every time.

  1. Sign in into your Adaptivemail portal
  2. Navigate to AdaptiveAudiences menu on left panel
  3. Click “New Audience

  4. On New Audience page, provide below information

    • Audience Title – Its audience title which will help you identify the audience for
      ruleset, ex. New Joinee List, Training invitation for HIPO
    • Category – It’s for categorizing the template, ex. Sales, Promotional, Compensation &
      Benefits. You can select category on enter category name which will be created automatically
  5. On New Audience page
    • Right side there is Preview section which lists out the employee names which falls
      under the rule or condition which being created

    • Rule – You can create single rule or condition for a particular Employee Attribute or
      Field ex. Is Audience to be FTE, Is Audience to be Manager etc . Each Rule have

      • Count of audiences falling under that rule, at extreme right of the rule.
      • Delete option
      • Ordering option

    • Group – You can create a group of multiple rules together with All/ANY (OR/AND)
      condition ex. Audience (Is Manager AND Is FTE) . Each Rule have

      • Count of audiences falling under that rule, at extreme right of the rule.
      • Delete option
      • Ordering option